Martin Frb via fpc-devel
2021-05-18 13:24:44 UTC
I was looking at TypeInfo (based on 3.2.2rc)
line 632 unit TypInfo
looked through other code:
line 194 procedure DisplayDetails(Informations : TPropInfo; const
expectedresult: ansistring);
appears to access the data (except for the ParamTypeRefs array)
The testcase does not seem to make any adjustments for alignment.
line 3341 TRttiMethodType.GetParameters
also appears to access the same typeinfo.
It makes alignments in 3 different places
ptr := AlignTParamFlags(ptr); // foreach Flags :
TParamFlags; in the ParamList
ptr := AlignToPtr(PByte(ptr) + ptr^ + SizeOf(Byte)); // ResultTypeRef
paramtypes := PPPTypeInfo(AlignTypeData(ptr)); // ParamTypeRefs
Which is correct?
Or do they access different structures?
A few other notes:
does not seem to be listed on
TypInfo line 1461
in Procedure GetPropInfos(TypeInfo : PTypeInfo;PropList : PPropList);
Why call aligntoptr twice?
The TypeCast in between does not change the alignment. (all the math is
done within the innermost call)
fpc-devel maillist - fpc-***
line 632 unit TypInfo
(MethodKind : TMethodKind;
ParamCount : Byte;
ParamList : array[0..1023] of Char
Flags : TParamFlags;
ParamName : ShortString;
TypeName : ShortString;
followed by
ResultType : ShortString // for mkFunction,
mkClassFunction only
ResultTypeRef : PPTypeInfo; // for mkFunction,
mkClassFunction only
CC : TCallConv;
ParamTypeRefs : array[1..ParamCount] of PPTypeInfo;}
To find out about alignment (for any target which needs alignment), IParamCount : Byte;
ParamList : array[0..1023] of Char
Flags : TParamFlags;
ParamName : ShortString;
TypeName : ShortString;
followed by
ResultType : ShortString // for mkFunction,
mkClassFunction only
ResultTypeRef : PPTypeInfo; // for mkFunction,
mkClassFunction only
CC : TCallConv;
ParamTypeRefs : array[1..ParamCount] of PPTypeInfo;}
looked through other code:
line 194 procedure DisplayDetails(Informations : TPropInfo; const
expectedresult: ansistring);
appears to access the data (except for the ParamTypeRefs array)
The testcase does not seem to make any adjustments for alignment.
line 3341 TRttiMethodType.GetParameters
also appears to access the same typeinfo.
It makes alignments in 3 different places
ptr := AlignTParamFlags(ptr); // foreach Flags :
TParamFlags; in the ParamList
ptr := AlignToPtr(PByte(ptr) + ptr^ + SizeOf(Byte)); // ResultTypeRef
paramtypes := PPPTypeInfo(AlignTypeData(ptr)); // ParamTypeRefs
Which is correct?
Or do they access different structures?
A few other notes:
does not seem to be listed on
TypInfo line 1461
in Procedure GetPropInfos(TypeInfo : PTypeInfo;PropList : PPropList);
Why call aligntoptr twice?
The TypeCast in between does not change the alignment. (all the math is
done within the innermost call)
fpc-devel maillist - fpc-***