Simon Jackson
2018-12-03 14:15:57 UTC
Further to the ranges in generics discussion....... more on generics
There is always a way to do that using an abstract class. The things of interest creating the idea are:
1. Imagine a short hand syntax for abstract classes:
Generic classAbs<T> = class(TObject)
Class generic variable: TObject;
abClass = specialize classAbs<abstract>;
// This allows a short hand, and
2. Some possible crazy inheritance:
Generic classAbs<T,Q> = class(Q)
Class generic variable: TObject;
abClass = specialize classAbs<Integer, abstract>;
// which allows a form of polymorphic inheritance similar to interfaces, but short hand for interface variables.
3. Some code optimization for less cache thrashing
Class generic procedure classAbs.doSomething(T);
//generic procedure x.y(T); this also
// enforce no usage of field and methods on T, such as T.specificToClass()
// allows same piece of code to be used for all types of same sizeof()
// so less code to fill the L1 instruction cache, and the L2 cache is less burdened
// of course this speed and code size optimization could be detected without this
// but enforcing it could always be an option.
4. Compile time virtual kind of resolution
// As an abstract class would have many virtual abstract methods there would be a pointer indirection from the VMT.
// Any generic procedure or method could, if not virtual, be compiled in and so not need a virtual specifier.
There is always a way to do that using an abstract class. The things of interest creating the idea are:
1. Imagine a short hand syntax for abstract classes:
Generic classAbs<T> = class(TObject)
Class generic variable: TObject;
abClass = specialize classAbs<abstract>;
// This allows a short hand, and
2. Some possible crazy inheritance:
Generic classAbs<T,Q> = class(Q)
Class generic variable: TObject;
abClass = specialize classAbs<Integer, abstract>;
// which allows a form of polymorphic inheritance similar to interfaces, but short hand for interface variables.
3. Some code optimization for less cache thrashing
Class generic procedure classAbs.doSomething(T);
//generic procedure x.y(T); this also
// enforce no usage of field and methods on T, such as T.specificToClass()
// allows same piece of code to be used for all types of same sizeof()
// so less code to fill the L1 instruction cache, and the L2 cache is less burdened
// of course this speed and code size optimization could be detected without this
// but enforcing it could always be an option.
4. Compile time virtual kind of resolution
// As an abstract class would have many virtual abstract methods there would be a pointer indirection from the VMT.
// Any generic procedure or method could, if not virtual, be compiled in and so not need a virtual specifier.